Pool Safety For Children
One thing you should always remember is to never, ever, allow your children to be alone near your pool. Children tend to be drawn near the water, and all it takes is a second for them to fall in the pool. If you and your children are at your pool and you need to leave the area for a second, you should always take your children with you.
To be on the safe side, you should always make sure that you have plenty of safety equipment around your pool at all times. Safety items are great to have around, as they can save the life of a child or anyone else who can’t swim. You should also invest in a shepherd’s hook as well, as you can use it to pull someone out of the water. Having a phone at your pool is also a wise investment, as you can easily call for help in the event of an emergency.
If you don’t have a fence around your pool you should look into getting one. A fence is a great way to protect your pool from children. If you have a protective fence up, you won’t have to worry about little kids falling in while you are away from the pool. When you put your fence, you should always make sure that it’s at least 6 foot high, with a locking gate. This way, no one can get into the pool without the key - which you should keep with you at all times.
You can also learn CPR as well. Even though you may not ever have to use it, it’s always great to know in the event of someone falling in your pool that is unable to swim. Whenever you have children or people you know can’t swim at your pool, you should always stay within reach of them, so you can react instantly if they fall in. A second is all it takes to save someones life.
Always keep in mind that swimming is fun, although you should always think in terms of safety first. Once you have finished using your pool for day, make sure that you secure the area well - and lock the gate up tight so no one can get in.
Camp For Kids With Food Allergies
visit www.Food-Allergies.AllTheInfoYouNeed.com/
Camp For Kids With Food Allergies
By Tarang V Bhargava
You children should be able to go to camp, spend time with their friends, and just have a glorious summer, but for some it can be difficult for a mother to allow a child to go off and have fun. For children with food allergies, especially multiple food allergies it can be extremely difficult for parents to feel comfortable sending their child away for a couple of days. When you are talking about camp for kids with food allergies it is important to understand some of the things a parent must think about, especially if your child is new to the food allergies he or she has.
First it is very important to explain to your child the ramifications of them eating any food they have not asked about. In other words they are going to need to ask how the food was prepared, with what the food was prepared, and even ask to check some of the ingredients of the food. Camps tend to be very regimented in the foods supplied. This means that it can be difficult to find camp for kids with food allergies that will caterer to them appropriately. In fact there may only be a few foods the child will be able to eat will at camp.
As a parent you need to alert the camp that your child has a food allergy or allergies. When you alert them of the allergies your child has they can then make adjustments for certain meals, like supplying something else for a night. You can also supply your child with appropriate foods and snacks to take with them to camp. Many of the camp for kids with food allergies will keep the food in the kitchen and allow the child to get something from those stores, like a snack during the day, when the other children are having their snack. This is a sure way to ensure that your child is safe.
You may also want to have your child carry an Epi- Pen or some form of epinephrine just in case. While the camps will have a doctor on hand or at least nearby it is important to make sure they will be safe if a reaction begins to occur. This will of course depend on the severity of the child's food allergies. Some children simply break out in hives and a couple of days later they are better, where as others can go into anaphylactic shock.
Read more articles about Food and drinks at http://www.foodndrinks.net/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tarang_V_Bhargava
Your kids And... Golf ???
When it comes to the game of golf, parents can often get their children excited about the game if the children are greeted with the image of something familiar on their junior kids golf equipment.

Not only can it interest the child in the equipment, but it also may help them to be more open to the idea of golf as a game and sport for them to play in their free time.
And you don't need to start spending a fortune on golf equipment, green fees and what not, start by finding an open field, an old pitching wedge and a few balls. Bring them along to the practice range and let them swing at it.
After they have experimented a bit and seem to have and interest for the game, then you may want to start looking for a used junior golf club set and after a year or two, maybe a new set that will be better fitted for them.

For more information on junior golf equipment, visit http://www.junior-golf-equipment.alltheinfoyouneed.com/
Oh!, And here's one for grandpa
Which Breed of Hypoallergenic Dog is Right for Your Family
Smaller hypoallergenic breeds such as the Poodle, Maltese, Labradoodle, and Bishon Frise require much from their owners. Not only do they need companionship, they will also need to be bathed once a month and will also need to be brushed once a day in order to keep knots from developing in their fur. While these dogs have shorter hair and no undercoating, they may not be the best choice if you have small children. Territorial and moody, these dogs will get upset when they are competing with children for your attention.
Small to medium dogs that are hypoallergenic and will behave around children include terriers, greyhounds, and the Mexican hairless. These dogs have short fur or none at all and do not shed as much dander as other breeds. If you live in a small apartment, these dogs are the better choice. They do not need a lot of room to run around in and they do not make too much noise. If you need to leave these dogs for the day while you are working or running errands, they will not be as nervous or scared as other breeds.
Hypoallergenic dogs are usually the smaller breeds, even though greyhounds come in a variety of sizes. Deciding on the breed of dog will depend on your lifestyle and what you expect from a pet. If you already have a pet, you will want to buy a breed that will get along with other pets.
Typically, hypoallergenic dogs will live ten to fifteen years. Many smaller breeds may experience health issues during this time, but for the most part, the dogs make great pets for those who do not have children or who do not have to travel for work. Because these dogs are small, they will usually not be able to reach couches, chairs, beds, or other furniture unless you help them up. This will also reduce allergens that can cause an allergy attack.
Having your hypoallergenic dog groomed once every two months or so will not only keep the dog looking its best, but it will also help reduce the amount of allergens. Smaller dogs need to be bathed once a month in order to keep them clean. Over bathing will result in dry skin, so you should ask your veterinarian for instructions on how to bathe small dogs. Maintaining a clean coat and brushing your dog once a day will help reduce the allergens in your home.
For more great information on hypoallergenic dogs
visit www.HypoallergenicDogWorld